Three Key Steps to Mastering Your Personality Test Analysis

  • Understanding Your Results

    Gain a comprehensive understanding of your traits, strengths, and weaknesses. Ensure you're crystal clear about what the results indicate.

  • Identify Your Goals

    Whether it's personal growth, career advancement, or improved relationships, clarifying your goals will guide the coaching process.

  • Apply the insights

    Embrace your strengths, work on your weaknesses, and use your newfound awareness to enhance your decision-making, communication, and relationships.

Coaching curriculum

  1. Introduction

  2. Your availabilities

  3. Chapter 1: Self-Discovery and In-Depth Analysis

  4. Chapter 2: Self-Awareness and Professional Growth

  5. Chapter 3: Effective Communication and Confidence Building

About this coaching

  • 60 min video call
  • Target setting
  • Create new habits
Sr. Internal Auditor

Nina, Geneva - CH

"My resume went from being got lost in the crowd to a standout piece that caught in 5 days the attention of Swiss employers"

My career journey in Switzerland had its fair share of challenges, this program has truly been a game-changer.
My career coach helped me identify my strengths, improve my interview skills, and even provided insights into the Swiss job market that I couldn't have found elsewhere.

My resume went from being a document that got lost in the crowd to a standout piece that caught the attention of Swiss employers.

Head of Controlling

Jeremy, Zurich

"I secured my dream job in under 2 months through the access of off-market job"

It has been a career-changing experience for me. From day one, I felt the dedication of the Talenteeds team in helping me succeed in my job search.

The individual career coaching sessions made a significant difference. It is not only provided valuable insights into the Swiss job market but also gave me the confidence to excel in interviews. The membership's access to premium job listings gave me an edge in a competitive market.

Informatik Entwickler

Andreas, Freiburg (DE)

"Das maßgeschneiderte Coaching hat mich super auf Vorstellungsgespräche vorbereitet und mir geholfen, die Fragen der Interviewer total souverän zu meistern"

Die Coaches bei Talenteeds haben mir mit ihrem Expertenwissen mega geholfen, mein Selbstbewusstsein und meine Präsentationskills zu boosten.

Das Beste war, dass sie genau wussten, wo meine Schwächen und Stärken liegen. Die haben mich wirklich gecheckt und dann super Tipps gegeben, wie man mit Nervosität umgeht. Das hat echt geholfen, und jetzt kann ich viel besser unter Druck bestehen.

Directrice des Opérations

Anais, Paris

"Mon coach carrière a cerné mes aspirations et m'a aidé à prendre la bonne décision sans m'influencer"

J'hésitais dans mon choix suite à deux propositions reçues de différents employeurs dont une promesse d'embauche de la part d'une entreprise cliente de Talenteeds.

Mon coach carrière m'a aidé à cerner mes aspirations et à prendre la bonne décision sans m'influencer. Je ne regrette absolument rien d'autant que je suis toujours heureuse d'être en poste.

Risk Managerin

Charlotte, Bern-CH

"Meine Online-Präsenz wurde sichtbarer , und ich konnte mein berufliches Netzwerk erheblich erweitern"

Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Talenteeds habe ich nicht nur mein Selbstvertrauen in Bezug auf mein Personal Branding gestärkt, sondern auch konkrete Ergebnisse erzielt.

Meine Online-Präsenz wurde sichtbarer, und ich konnte mein berufliches Netzwerk erheblich erweitern. Diese Fortschritte haben sich nicht nur in meinem aktuellen Job, sondern auch in neuen beruflichen Möglichkeiten gezeigt.

Frequently Asked Questions

Personality Test Analysis is a coaching service where we help you understand and interpret the results of personality tests. We provide insights into your unique traits, strengths, and areas for development.

No, we do not offer personality tests. We focus solely on analyzing and interpreting your existing test results to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

Understanding your personality can improve your self-awareness, enhance your relationships, and guide your career choices. It can help you leverage your strengths and work on your weaknesses effectively.

In a coaching session, we will review your test results, explain the meanings of various traits and indicators, answer your questions, and discuss how this knowledge can be applied in your life, whether it's in your personal or professional endeavors.

Each session is set for 60 minutes. 

Yes, your privacy and the confidentiality of your test results are of utmost importance. We adhere to strict ethical guidelines, and your information will never be shared. Our coaching sessions are a safe space for you to explore your personality and gain insights with full confidentiality.

Only 25% of job applicants will have their resumes reviewed by a human

🤔 Do you ever feel trapped in your job search, struggling to access the hidden job market and tailor your applications effectively?

😫 Do you feel the frustration of missing out on potentially great career advancements, making your job search an uphill battle?

🚀 ✨ Our unique solution provide tailored guidance through coaching calls, unlock hidden job opportunities, offer personalized resume enhancement, ace salary negotiations, and boost visibility with featured profiles.

Aperçu gratuit

Proven Success

Trusted by Employees from 1,200+ Companies since 2016

Why join Talenteeds Coaching?

Expert advice, exclusive opportunities, enhanced visibility

101 Coaching from Our Recruiters
Our experienced recruiters work with you one-on-one, tailoring guidance to your unique goals, strengths, and challenges.
1,000+ Exclusive & Global Jobs
We carefully select these opportunities to ensure they align with your aspirations, providing you with a significant advantage in your job search.
+20 to 64% Salary Increase
Our members typically experience an average salary increase of 20-64%, showcasing the lucrative opportunities & career advancement with us.

200h of Guidance up to 6 months
We offer round-the-clock 1:1 support, ensuring that your queries, concerns, or feedback are addressed promptly.

You'll be able to make significant strides in your self-confidence, growth and income.

Open Doors to Endless Opportunities

Attract more opportunities by leveraging strategic insights and showcasing your skills effectively. Stand out in the job market.

At the same time, our clients entrust us with permanent, temporary and freelance positions daily.

Strengthen your
Personal Brand

Rewrite your career story with confidence and charisma, presenting your journey in a way that captivates employers and sets you apart.

Raise your status to that of top talent to accelerate your progress and achieve your goals faster.

Nurture a mindset conducive to your growth

Transform your mindset into your greatest asset. Replace self-doubt and imposter syndrome with confidence.

Get a clear vision of your career and focus intensely on specific goals to achieve them faster

Our Program Boost Your Success

As a member, you will benefit from:

12 Individual Coaching Calls

Benefit from personalized, one-on-one sessions with our experts. We'll tailor guidance to your specific goals.

Off-Market Jobs

Our clients entrust us with job positions to fill which are not publicly advertised. Gain the competitive advantage by accessing roles relevant to your profile.

Personal Branding

Get assistance in optimizing your resume and LinkedIn profile to make a lasting impression on employers.

Mock Interview

Navigate interviews with confidence, showcase your skills and land your dream job with advice from our recruiters.

Ace Salary Negotiations

Maximize your earning potential with our membership, offering expert salary negotiation assistance and valuable career opportunities.

200h of Tailored Guidance

Receive support and guidance from our team of experts who understand the intricacies of the job market.

Coaching program Boost Your Success

Propel yourself into the league of high achievers

Build your confidence, grow professionally and increase your earning potential.

🚀 Boost Your Success 🎉

3-month program with 14 days free trial when paid in full at reduce price:

Normally €2997

Are These Career Challenges Holding You Back? 👇

🌱 Low Self-Confidence
Is self-doubt, overthinking, or imposter syndrome hindering your path to realizing your full potential?

💼 Overworked & Underpaid
Are you working tirelessly, going the extra mile, yet still undervalued and underpaid for your efforts?

🌟 Lack of Recognition
Do you often feel overlooked, compare yourself to others, and miss out on well-deserved promotions and opportunities for growth?

🤝 Lost in Internal Politics
Are internal politics and conflicts causing you anxiety, jeopardizing your reputation, and hindering your career progression?

👂 Not Truly Heard
Is your voice consistently minimized, making it challenging to manage up, especially with senior leaders, and lacking executive presence?

⚖️ Little to No Work-Life Balance
Does the constant need to prove yourself leave you with no work-life balance, compromising your overall well-being?

100% Risk-Free Guarantee

100% risk-free guarantee beyond 3 months.

Our guarantee is to support you until you achieve your goals. We know this is a significant investment and we are fully committed to your success in the program.

What You Can Expect from Boost Your Success program

  • 1:1 Career Coaching (12x30 min)
  • 200h of support via internal messaging
  • Priority tailored jobs
  • Discover companies
  • Interview preparation
  • Personal Branding
  • Salary negotiations tips
  • Phone and emails guidance
  • Bonus: CV & templates
  • Bonus: LinkedIn banner templates
  • 100% risk-free guarantee: support beyond 3 months
  • Affiliate program: get rewarded
  • And more...

🗣️ Can't wait to talk to you!

Talenteeds Recruiters and Coaches

Transform your life and career

Fully recoup your initial investment and increase your income exponentially every year

Before Coaching

Current salary in France: 60,000
Annual increase: 1,800 (+ 3%)
Final salary without coaching = 61,800

After Coaching

Current salary in France: 60,000
Annual increase: 12,000 (+20%)
Final salary with coaching = 72,000

Gain +500% ROI

Increase after coaching: 12,000
Average cost of coaching: -2,000
Net gain after coaching = 10,000

Coaching Program Shine Your Skills

Propel yourself into the league of high achievers

Build your confidence, grow professionally and increase your earning potential.

🌟 Shine Your Skills 🔝

6-month program with 14 days free trial when paid in full at reduced price:

Normally €3697

Are These Career Challenges Holding You Back? 👇

🌱 Low Self-Confidence
Is self-doubt, overthinking, or imposter syndrome hindering your path to realizing your full potential?

💼 Overworked & Underpaid
Are you working tirelessly, going the extra mile, yet still undervalued and underpaid for your efforts?

🌟 Lack of Recognition
Do you often feel overlooked, compare yourself to others, and miss out on well-deserved promotions and opportunities for growth?

🤝 Lost in Internal Politics
Are internal politics and conflicts causing you anxiety, jeopardizing your reputation, and hindering your career progression?

👂 Not Truly Heard
Is your voice consistently minimized, making it challenging to manage up, especially with senior leaders, and lacking executive presence?

⚖️ Little to No Work-Life Balance
Does the constant need to prove yourself leave you with no work-life balance, compromising your overall well-being?

100% Risk-Free

100% risk-free guarantee beyond 6 months.

Our guarantee is to support you until you achieve your goals. We know this is a significant investment and we are fully committed to your success in the program.

What You Can Expect from 12 months program of Shine Your Skills

  • Boost Your Success program included (1:1 coaching, priority jobs, interview prep, CV enhancement, tailored guidance, bonus...)

  • + additional sessions (3x30 min)
  • + analysis of your personality test
  • + visibility enhanced
  • + Skills strengthening workshops
  • + Risk-free guarantee: support beyond 6 months
  • + Affiliate program: get rewarded
  • And much more...

🗣️ Can't wait to talk to you!

Talenteeds Recruiters and Coaches

Transform your life and career

Fully recoup your initial investment and increase your income exponentially every year

Before Coaching

Current salary in France: 60,000
Annual increase: 1,800 (+ 3%)
Final salary without coaching = 61,800

After Coaching

Current salary in France: 60,000
Annual increase: 12,000 (+20%)
Final salary with coaching = 72,000

Gain +500% ROI

Increase after coaching: 12,000
Average cost of coaching: -2,000
Net gain after coaching = 10,000

Free Editable Templates

Bonus for programs Boost & Shine

🎁 CV/Resume template
Let your qualifications shine with an exceptional CV, designed with ease and made to stand out from the crowd.

🎁 LinkedIn Banner template
Stand out amidst millions of profiles with a professionally crafted banner to showcasing a shining profile.

🎁 Cover letter template
Catch the Hiring Manager's Attention with a Compelling Cover Letter for a Swift Callback.

Join Boost Your Success Join Shine Your Skills

Frequently Asked Questions

12 Months Memberships

We get it: the idea of having a career coach may not have crossed your mind until now. You might be thinking, “Can’t I figure it all out on my own with Google, books, and podcasts?” » Sure, you can find information there, but it won't be as practical and tailored to your unique experience as our proven program.

Our coaching is about accelerating your journey to unlock your full potential.

Asking for help is a smart decision: it shows that you are committed to finding the right resources to accelerate your success.

Think about it: Top athletes, musicians, and executives all work with coaches because they know that reaching extraordinary heights often requires expert guidance.

At Talenteeds, we pride ourselves on three distinctive features that make our coaching program truly exceptional. These differentiators are designed to give you the most comprehensive and impactful career transformation:

Real-world experience: Unlike many career coaches with recruiting experience, we come from the employee's perspective. Having been in your shoes, we provide practical and relevant information that works in various situations. Our first-hand experience allows us to attract renowned industry experts who are dedicated to our program.

Personalized approach: The structure of our program sets it apart from others. While many rely on group coaching calls and Facebook groups, we offer 1:1 coaching with on-demand support. This personalized attention ensures that we meet your unique needs, maximizing your progress.

Career Development: We delve deeper into topics often overlooked in traditional coaching programs, including conflict management, public speaking, career path dialogues, salary negotiation, leadership and performance reviews, among others. This approach is integrated into our overall approach,

Absolutely! The coaching program is a transformative investment in yourself and your career. It is designed to provide you with tailored advice, information and strategies to accelerate your professional growth and achieve your career goals.

Many participants experienced significant positive changes, from promotions to salary increases, in a relatively short period of time.

The program offers flexible options, including 3 and 6 month plans, as well as convenient payment plans tailored to your preferences at our provider Klarna.

Remember, investing in your career is a long-term gain that far outweighs the short-term cost.

Our program is 100% risk-free. We are committed to supporting you until you achieve your target goals.

  Countless members have achieved their goals within weeks of joining, demonstrating the effectiveness of the program.

Yes! We offer a 14-day free trial of our program when paying in one go, allowing you to enjoy the benefits before committing.

Our programs start from €2,000.

You have 3 possibilities:

  1. Make an appointment directly to assess which program suits you.
  2. Contact our team via the “Contact Us” form on our website.
  3. Call us directly
  4. Send us an email

We are here to help you with any inquiries or concerns you may have.

How it works?

Your Path to Career Excellence: The Talenteeds Journey

1. Easy Program Sign-up

Sign up for a Talenteeds Program in just a few clicks. Your journey to career success begins in no time!

2. Book up to 12 Coaching Calls

Select your preferred time, share specific topics or questions you'd like to discuss, and engage in a fruitful 1:1 discussion to enhance your career journey with your career coach

3. Transform Your Career Strategy

Receive tailored premium job listings, get personalized career guidance, benefit from personal branding & interview coaching as well unlimited 1:1 support.

Our packages

Propel yourself into the league of high achievers

Build your confidence, grow professionally and increase your earning potential.

Save 20%

One time payment


Billing after legal the withdrawal period

Start Now

1:1 Career Coaching (12x30 min)

200h of support via internal messaging

Priority tailored jobs

Discover companies

Interview preparation

Personal Branding

Salary negotiations tips

Phone and emails guidance

Bonus: CV & templates

Bonus: LinkedIn banner templates

100% risk-free guarantee: support beyond 3 months

Affiliate program: get rewarded

And more...

Payment in installments


Choose your payment terms with Klarna

Pay later

1:1 Career Coaching (12x30 min)

200h of support via internal messaging

Priority tailored jobs

Discover companies

Interview preparation

Personal Branding

Salary negotiations tips

Phone and emails guidance

Bonus: CV & templates

Bonus: LinkedIn banner templates

100% risk-free guarantee: support beyond 3 months

Affiliate program: get rewarded

And more...

Save 15%

One Time Payment


Billing after the legal withdrawal period

Start Now

Individual live coaching (15x30 min)

250 hours of support via internal messaging

Targeted & priority job offers

Company presentation

Preparing for interviews

Personal Branding

Salary negotiation advice

Bonus CV and letter templates

Bonus banner templates

Risk-free guarantee: support beyond 6 months

Affiliate program: get rewarded

And much more......

Payment in installments


Choose your payment terms with Klarna

Pay Later

Individual live coaching (15x30 min)

250 hours of support via internal messaging

Targeted & priority job offers

Company presentation

Preparing for interviews

Personal Branding

Salary negotiation advice

Bonus CV and letter templates

Bonus banner templates

Risk-free guarantee: support beyond 6 months

Affiliate program: get rewarded

And much more......

About Talenteeds

Find the career you deserve
& grow your skills

  • We work with talent who are facing barriers to advancement, to achieve 2x promotions and significant 5-figure salary increases in record time without actively applying.
  • Our dedicated team matches you with the ideal job while giving you access to high-quality online learning resources.
  • Unlock your potential, develop your skills and advance your career.

Join Boost Your Success Join Shine Your Skills

Our Mini Coaching

Unlock your potential with personality test analysis

Are you curious to know what your recent personality test results reveal? Do you want to harness the power of this self-awareness to drive your personal and professional growth?

Unleash the power of your resume with 1:1 coaching

Master the art of writing a compelling resume that captivates employers and opens doors to exciting career opportunities. Benefit from expert advice!

Optimize your LinkedIn profile with individual coaching

Explore how to maximize your financial potential by propelling your LinkedIn profile to 5-6 figure salaries. Individual coaching with our experts.

Mini coaching testimonials

Trusted by Employees from Companies